The secretariat of the right to food campaign is doing its best to maintain an up-to-date series of “Primers” on different aspects of the right to food, with the help of campaign volunteers. Primers are written in simple language and addressed to a wide audience: activists, journalists, teachers and the general public. They are well suited for training workshops, awareness campaigns, and related activities. The Primers can also be printed as a “pocket book”, for just a few rupees per copy, and distributed widely. Feel free to adapt, update, translate, etc. – no copyright!
To order printed copies of the primers (preferably in large quantities), just send an email to
Rainbow Primer (all food-related entitlements)
Haq Ki Ladai (Know Your Rights - Hindi Primer) (March 2016)
Apna Haq Janey (Know your Rights - Hindi Primer) (May 2014)
Apna Haq Janey (Jharkhand Version - Hindi Primer) (May 2014)
National Food Security Act (NFSA)
National Food Security Act (English) (September 2016)
National Food Security Act (Hindi) (September 2016)
National Food Security Act (English) (August 2010)
National Food Security Act (Hindi) (August 2010)
Supreme Court Orders on the Right to Food: A Tool for Action (August 2008)
Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS and more)
Progress of Children Under Six: Revisiting ICDS in the FOCUS Districts (POCUS report, September 2016)
Focus on Children Under Six (FOCUS report, December 2006)
Focus on Children Under Six (Hindi) (FOCUS report, December 2006)
Anganwadis For All: A Primer (English) (September 2016)
Anganwadis For All: A Primer (Hindi) (September 2016)
Anganwadis For All: A Primer Action For Rights of Children Under Six (March 2014)
Anganwadis For All: A Primer (Hindi) (November 2007)
School Mid-day Meals (MDMs)
Mid-day Meals: A Primer (English) (September 2016)
Mid-day Meals: A Primer (in Hindi) (September 2016)
Mid-day Meals: A Primer (English) (March 2014)
Mid-day Meals: A Primer (in Hindi) (November 2005)
Mid-day meals in Primary Schools (January 2004)
Maternity Entitlements
Defining Entitlements of Women and Children (Vikas Samvad, 2014)
National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005 (NREGA)
Muster Roll Watch Verification of NREGA Muster Rolls (Jan 2008)
Muster Roll Ki Nigrani (Hindi) Verification of NREGA Muster Rolls (Jan 2008)
Social Security Pensions
Forests Rights Act, 2006 (FRA)
Panchayats (Extension to Scheduled Areas) Act 1996 (PESA)
Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI)
Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 2013 (LARR)
Right to Education Act, 2009 (RTE)
Social Audits
In addition to primers prepared by the Secretariat, groups working on the right to food and related issues also prepare primers from time to time, which are collected below:
Community-based Management of Malnutrition [Hindi] (July 2012)
Kuposhan Ki Kahani [Hindi] (July 2012)
Kya kahta hai Rozgar Guarantee Kanoon 2005: a primer on the NREGA prepared by the Mazdoor Kisan Samiti [Hindi] [9 January]
The Right to Information Act: A Primer (National Campaign for People's Right to Information, 2005)