

Old Age

Disabled Person


-Hearing/Speech Impairment

-Loco motor disability

-Mental Retardation

Single/Widow/Deserted Women


60 years of age and above

Registration fees ₹100

Resident of Goa for last 15 years

Income less than ₹2000 per month

Not covered under any other financial assistance scheme

Resident of Goa for last 15 years

Registration fees ₹100

Disability certified by the Medical Board

Disability not less than 40%

Not covered under any other financial assistance scheme

Single Unmarried women

above 50 years 

Registration fees ₹100

Resident of Goa for the last 15 years at the time of application

Income less than ₹2000 per month

Not covered under any other scheme

Deserted/Widow women

above 18 years

Registration fees ₹100

Resident of Goa by birth or resident for last 15 years or

should have been married to a resident of Goa of 15 years domicile

Income less than ₹2000 per month

Not covered under any other financial assistance scheme

HIV-Aids affected person

 Suffering from HIV/AIDS 

 Old Age


 Single Women/Widows

 HIV-Aids Affected

₹2000 per month

 Adult Disabled

 Disabled children

 Person with disability 90% to 100%

 ₹2000 per month

 ₹2500 per month

 ₹3500 per month

₹2000 per month

 ₹2000 per month

 Apply (offline)


Old Age

Disabled Person

Single/Widow/deserted women

Application Documents

Birth Certificate or any other proof of age

Income certificate with two witnesses

Residence certificate

Birth Certificate or any other valid document showing the proof of age

Income certificate with two witnesses

Residence certificate

Medical Certificate issued by Medical Board

Birth Certificate or any other valid document showing the proof of age

income Certificate

Residence certificate

Death certificate and Marriage certificate of Spouse in case of Widow

Decree of Divorce and Certificate of Desertion in case of deserted women

Affidavit certifying unmarried status with two witnesses

Apply (online)

 Application form [for all social security pensions]


The application form has to be submitted to the Director of Social Welfare


The application received would be verified by the sanctioning authority.The applications verified will be forwarded to Life Insurance corporation and the same will deposit the amount in the account of beneficiary.



Collect pension from the bank account on 1st day of every month
