Application form to be submitted to the Block Development and Panchayat Office (rural areas) and to the Municipal Cooperation Office (urban areas)
After submitting the application, the beneficiary will be selected by District Level Committee.The District Social Welfare Officer will ensure that records are updated and report to the department at the State Level about the number of beneficiaries for sanctioning the budget for disbursement of pension on monthly basis.
Distribution starts on approximately 10th of each month and records of pension are sorted revenue circle wise and re-sorted village/ward wise. It is distributed usually in the form of cash.
The circle revenue officer and patwari concerned disburse the pension village/ward wise using the Actual Payment Reciept-cum-Feed back reports, with the signature of the beneficiary, confirming the recieipt of the amount
Minister (Department of Social Justice and Empowerment)
Principal Secretary (Department of Social Justice and Empowerment)
Director (Directorate of Social Justice and Empowerment)
District Officials (Social Justice and Empowerment)
Department of Social Justice and Empowerment, Haryana
State Public Information Officer (Assistant Public Information Officer)
State Public Information Officer (Head Quarter Chandigarh)
Beneficiary List in each Block / Municipality
Beneficiaries with Bank Accounts in each Block / Municipality
Beneficiary Bank Account Credits
How Much do Small Old Age Pensions and Widow Pensions Help the Poor in India? (Christopher Garroway, United Nations, ESCAP, September 2013)
Reduction of Violence against Women: Property Ownership and Employment in Rural Haryana (Prem Chowdhry, UN Women)
Haryana to provide monthly pension to physically challenged persons (Jagran Post, 3 December 2013)
Haryana Government modified the rules regulating pension, family pension (India News Calling, 18th April 2013)